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Asked by: Venessa Minukhin
technology and computing cameras and camcordersDo Bose products have a lifetime warranty?
Also asked, does Bose offer extended warranty?
Bose® SoundProtection™ plan(products$300 – $499.99) All repair and shipping costs are covered, withnodeductibles or hidden fees. And if your item can't befixedor replaced, we'll refund the replacement cost up to thecoverageamount.
Also, can Bose earphones be repaired?
Bose is an audio manufacturer that offerson-eardesign or in-ear earplugs. Sometimes corrosion canoccurbetween the headphones and the audio device on whichtheyare being used. A simple fix can save you from havingtoreplace the earphone set.
Yes they do, but it defers from one countrytoother. Adding this article for reference LimitedWarrantyInformation. But you can contact Boseor theirdealers for the same Store locator. Do Bose productssold inthe US have an internationalwarranty?