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Moreover, what do Buddhist monks wear?
The saffron (for a more appropriate name for thecolor)robes monk wear dates back centuries. Orange waschosenmainly because of the dye available at the time. Thetraditionstuck and orange is now the color of choice forTheravadaBuddhist followers in Southeast Asia, as opposed toa marooncolor for Tibetan monks.
One may also ask, do Buddhist wear wedding rings?
Although Buddhist monks do not solemnizeamarriage ceremony, they do perform religiousservicesin order to bless the couples.
It's actually a very recent change within theThaiBuddhist monkhood, only ~200 years ago or so. Supposedlytheinvading Burmese dressed up soldiers as monks to actasspies, so the Thais had their monks shave their eyebrowstoout the Burmese fakes. But . . . And lastly, you need to preparea'monk kit'.