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Asked by: Felisberto Dorflein
personal finance credit cardsDo cell phones demagnetize hotel keys?
Hereof, do cell phones demagnetize hotel room keys?
“The number one issue was cards beingdemagnetized by being carried next to a cell phone orset on a TV in a hotel room,” Hermanson says.“Anything with an electromagnetic field transmitting from itcan cause a mag stripe to demagnetize.” Often,however, the problem is not really with the mag stripematerial.
can a cell phone demagnetize a key card?
The larger the magnetic field, the more likely it is toeffectively demagnetize the magnetic strip. So, doesyour phone produce a magnet field? The answer is yes, but itisn't strong enough demagnetize your creditcards.
RFID interference is a common, but not the onlyway your access card can get demagnetized. When onemagnet comes close to another, it can affect the othercard's magnetic field. This can happen with a magstripecard, ending up in having the card demagnetized and the dataerased.