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Asked by: Virginija
hobbies and interests genealogy and ancestryDo Danes and Swedes speak the same language?
Also know, can Danes and Swedes understand each other?
Danish is largely mutually intelligible with Norwegian and Swedish. Proficient speakers of any of the three languages can often understand the others fairly well, though studies have shown that speakers of Norwegian generally understand both Danish and Swedish far better than Swedes or Danes understand each other.
Considering this, are Swedish and Danish the same language?
The Main Languages Danish and Norwegian are the two languages that are the most similar, among the Scandinavian languages. As a group, Danish, Swedish and Norwegian are all very similar and it is common for people from all three countries to be able to understand each other.
The languages spoken in Nordic Nations are known as North Germanic languages and include Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Icelandic, Faroese. Although many people refer to these languages as the "Scandinavian languages," the term "Scandinavia" technically only refers to Norway, Sweden, and Denmark.