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Asked by: Wangjun Porres
careers resume writing and adviceDo employers check online applications?
Subsequently, one may also ask, do online applications get looked at?
“Once it's online, millions of otherpeoplehave seen it.” Often, he says, online jobpostings arejust a way for hiring managers to claim they'velooked atlots of applicants when, in fact, they have alreadydecided inadvance on an internal hire.
Similarly, how long does it take to hear back from a job application?
Brian McCullough at found thathiringmanagers are most likely to respond to applicationsthreedays after the opening was posted. After that there is agradualdecline in replies over time — though there is a spikeinreplies around 1 week, 2 weeks, and 3 weeks after thejobwas posted.
An Application for All Applicants Make the format consistent: Gather the same data inthesame format from each prospective employee. With anemploymentapplication, employers gain standardizationofinformation requested. It makes comparisons ofcandidates'credentials easier.