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Asked by: Andone Maevis
home and garden home appliancesDo fashion Nova jeans shrink in the wash?
Consequently, do jeans shrink when you wash them?
Denim will shrink more when washed in hotwater and when put in a hot dryer. Shrinkage will occur inboth washer and dryer with temperature being the determiningfactor.You will also lose more of the dye in the fabric whenwashed in higher temperatures.
One may also ask, do Levi's shrink in the wash?
The simplest explanation is that the jeans shrinkfrom the heat of the wash water and the dryer. Evenprewashed jeans shrink a little bit in the wash. Theonly way to avoid shrinking jeans is to wash them incold water and hang them to dry.
The easiest way to shrink your jeans is towash them in the washing machine using the hot watersetting, and then putting them in the dryer on high heat.The warm temperature will cause the cotton in thejeans to shrink, and the high heat from the dryerwill help accelerate this process.