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Simply so, are there bees in Figs?
they are inverted flowers. Because fig flowersbloominternally, they need a special process for pollination.Theycannot rely on the wind or bees to spread their pollen?that's where the fig wasp comes in.
Herein, do figs have bugs in them?
And they're right, as it turns out. Fig treesonlybear fruit thanks to something called a fig wasp. Thewaspsare born inside the figs, and when the females hatch,theycrawl out to find a new fig in which they can lay theirowneggs. So yes, there are definitely dead bugsinfigs.
Vegans, as far as practicable, shouldavoideating any animals or animal products. The waysomevarieties of fig are pollinated means every edible fruitofsome fig varieties contain at least one dead wasp –soby eating a fig, you are eating a deadinsect.So far, so not vegan.