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Asked by: Alexi Conejo
real estate real estate renting and leasingDo Ford leases have a disposition fee?
In respect to this, do all leases have a disposition fee?
Your leasing company charges thisfee to pay the expenses it incurs to resell the vehicle. Thedisposition fee is usually non-negotiable at the beginningof the lease and will not increase or decrease duringlease period. One of the benefits of buying yourleased vehicle is that you do not pay adisposition fee.
Considering this, do I have to pay the disposition fee?
The disposition fee should be noted in your leasecontract. But there are ways you may be able to avoidpaying this fee. You buy the car — Insome cases, a leasing company may not charge the dispositionfee if you buy the car at the end of thecontract.
A disposition fee will be applied at the end ofyour lease to help cover the costs to sell or dispose ofyour vehicle. We'll waive this fee for qualifying customerswho lease or finance their next vehicle with TFS through aToyota dealer.