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Asked by: Kiriam Kuehner
home and garden smart homeDo hard wired smoke detectors need a dedicated circuit?
Thereof, are hard wired smoke detectors on a breaker?
If, by “hard wired” you refer to the type that is connected to the mains (with a backup battery in the smoke alarm), then yes — unless you enjoy running the risk of electrocution. However, if it's a detector connected to a fire alarm control panel the answer is no.
Similarly, you may ask, are all smoke detectors on the same breaker?
Assuming they were installed correctly, are the 6 identical smoke detectors in my house on the same circuit? Normally yes, but it doesn't necessarily have to be that way. If they're the newer interconnect then it's easier to simply loop one line throughout the house (people almost always take the easy way out).
Electrical Power Surges. A change in the electrical current to the wired smoke alarm will cause the smoke alarm sound to go off when there is not smoke in the air. A loose wire in the smoke detector can also cause it to go off as the electrical current is cut off and then restored to the alarm.