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Asked by: Sira Zelig
family and relationships divorceDo I have to file a response to divorce papers?
Also know, what happens if you dont respond to divorce papers?
If you don't respond to the papersonceyou've received notice, your spouse asks thecourt togive him a final hearing on the divorce. Adefault judgmentoccurs when one spouse was summoned tocourt butdidn't respond, leaving the judge to awardthedivorce based on the facts shown on the filingspouse'spetition.
Secondly, do you have to respond to a divorce petition?
You answer the divorce petition to letthecourt know your position in the divorce case.Youanswer the divorce petition to tell the judgewhatyou want in the divorce. If youdon'tanswer the divorce petition and you don'tgoto a hearing, it's still possible that the judge cangrantthe divorce.
about 20 days