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Asked by: Hermine Berckemeyer
technology and computing web hostingDo I have to pay monthly for a website?
Moreover, how much does it cost to have a website per month?
You can expect to pay an upfront cost(likelybetween $3,000 and $9,000), in addition to amonthlymaintenance fee (approximately $200 to $500 permonth, onaverage). The bigger your company, the higheryou can expectcosts to be. How often you'll pay: SEO is anongoing battle,it's never a one-time thing.
Also know, do you have to pay monthly for a domain name?
The fee you pay the domain nameregistraris an annual fee. In other words, you "own"thedomain only as long as you keep payingtheyearly fee for it. At the time I write this, prices atmostregistrars hover around $10 to $15 per annum.
Most require little to no coding experience.Mostfree websites provide the tools to createyourwebsite online, without the need to download anyeditingprograms. If your web host allow it, you can upload your ownHTMLfiles to truly create your owncustomwebsite.