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Asked by: Enache Stiebner
automotive auto infotainment technologiesDo I need a crossover for my tweeters?
Also know, what are crossovers for tweeters?
A crossover divides an input signal into two ormore outputs of different ranges of frequencies, sotweeters, speakers, and subs will each get only the range offrequencies they were designed to play. Frequencies outside eachdesignated range are attenuated or blocked.
Also question is, what is speaker crossover frequency?
The crossover frequency of your subwoofer is thefrequency at which your speakers start to roll offand your subwoofer kicks in with LFEs and bass notes. Most modernAV receivers feature an auto EQ program that will assign the propercrossover frequency automatically based on the capabilitiesof your loudspeakers.
Every audio system, including the one in your car, needsa crossover to direct sound to the correct driver.Tweeters, woofers and subs should get high, mid andlow frequencies respectively. If these frequencies aren't directedproperly, then speakers will try to play sounds they aren'tmeant to play.