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Asked by: Kimi Taeuber
technology and computing laptopsDo I need a laptop for college if I have a desktop?
Beside this, do you need a laptop for college?
College schedules require students tobeconstantly on the go, so an advantage of owning aportablecomputer, or a laptop, is that you canconnect to theinternet virtually anywhere and complete anyassignments withoutworry.
- Lenovo Yoga 920. College Choice Score: 100.
- HP Spectre x360. College Choice Score: 99.34.
- Dell XPS 15. College Choice Score: 98.82.
- Apple 15" MacBook Pro, Retina, Touch Bar.
- Apple MacBook Pro 13-Inch (2017)
- Microsoft Surface Laptop.
- HP Chromebook 13.
- Apple MacBook Air 13.3-Inch.
In this way, how important is a laptop in college?
Laptops give students the flexibility andfreedomthey need to work on academic assignments anytime, anywhere.Anykind of computer will assist you in your college years.Formost, the freedom that laptops offer is a convenientluxury.No matter where you are, a laptop allows you to bringyourwork with you.
15 essential school supplies that you will needforcollege
- Adhesive page markers. Marking your textbooks with adhesivepagemarkers will make your studying efforts much moreefficient.
- Backpack/Messenger bag/Rucksack.
- Binders/Folders/Notebooks.
- Calculator.
- Citation style manuals.
- Flash drive.
- Highlighters.
- Hole punch.