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Asked by: Sasa Chinchilla
home and garden indoor environmental qualityDo I need mold resistant drywall in kitchen?
Consequently, is mold resistant drywall worth it?
In brief, mold-resistant drywall still can grow mold, and with surprising vigor. However, it does have less of a propensity towards mold growth than traditional paper-covered drywall. Mold resistant drywall is more expensive than paper-faced drywall, but not vastly so.
Besides, is mold resistant drywall required by code?
Technically, the building code does allow water resistant sheetrock installed on ceilings of tubs and showers, but it must be nailed to ceiling joists that are spaced no more than 12" apart. However, the performance limitations of the sheetrock was not fully understood until a few years after its use.
What's the difference between PURPLE® drywall and traditional green drywall? Traditional green drywall (also known as greenboard) is only moisture-resistant. PURPLE® drywall, only made by National Gypsum, is superior because it offers moisture, mold and mildew resistance.