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Asked by: Kitty Baum
technology and computing antivirus softwareDo I need Norton If I have McAfee?
Consequently, do I need to uninstall Norton before installing McAfee?
Before you begin with McAfeeinstallation,you must first uninstall Norton from yourcomputer. Thiswill ensure no software conflict and resultantproblems in your PC.Click on the Start button and navigate toControl Panel. Doubleclick to open Add or RemovePrograms.
In respect to this, how does McAfee compared to Norton?
McAfee is the winner as it offersmoresecurity-related features and extra utilities in its productsthanNorton. Independent lab tests prove that bothsoftwareprovide comprehensive protection against all sorts ofmalwarethreats, but McAfee is better than Norton interms ofthe impact on system performance.
Windows Defender is an anti-malware programthatis built right into the Windows OS- meaninglowerconsumption of CPU resources and adequate protectionagainstmalware. So, does Windows 10 Need Antivirus? Theanswer isyes and no. With Windows 10, users don't have toworry aboutinstalling antivirus software.