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Asked by: Olaya Tondock
home and garden landscapingDo I need permission to cut down a tree on my property UK?
Consequently, do you need planning permission to cut down a tree in your garden?
Planning Permission. Many trees are protected by tree preservation orders which means that, in general, you need the council's consent to prune or fell them. If you are unsure about the status of trees which you intend to prune or fell (or you simply require further information) you should contact your council.
In this regard, can I cut a tree down on my own property?
The reality is you are permitted to prune or cut down any tree on your land, regardless of whether it is healthy or not, if it is not subject to a Tree Preservation Order or located with a conservation area. Contrary to popular belief, there is not a blanket protection of all Oak trees.
On average expect to pay £500 to £650 for local tree surgeons for a day's work. However, there are smaller companies that only take on easier projects. A team of 1 or 2 workers will cost anywhere from £400 to £550 a day, depending on where you are located.