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Asked by: Kamilia Labanda
style and fashion bath and showerDo I need to add hot tub to homeowners insurance?
Considering this, does a hot tub increase home insurance?
Pool and spa ownership comes with heavyresponsibility. Home insurance companies recognize the riskassociated with swimming pools and spas. In fact, owning a pool ora spa can increase your home insurance ratesdue to the increased risk.
Moreover, how much does a pool add to home insurance?
According to Zacks Investment Research, insurancecompanies typically recommend increasing liability coverage from$100,000 to $500,000 when installing a swimming pool. Instates where swimming pools aren't standard, Zacks says,such an increase might add $50 to $75 to a homeowner'sinsurance annual premium.
The national average cost for hot tubmovers is $280 – $300. Professional hot tub movers have the properequipment, trucks, people power, and experience to safelymove your hot tub from one location to the next, ortransport a newly purchased hot tub to your home orcommercial property from the dealer.