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Asked by: Farzana Zemella
home and garden indoor environmental qualityDo I need to remove asbestos soffits?
In this way, are asbestos soffits dangerous?
An asbestos soffit is safe until disturbed. Asbestos is dangerous when its fibres get into the air. This happens by disturbing the asbestos soffit without taking proper precautions, or simply because the asbestos soffits are old and flakey.
- Position the ladder against the house under the soffit on level ground.
- Move the soffit toward the retaining channel under the roof edge.
- Insert your fingers in between the wall corner channel and the soffit.
- Grasp the edge of the soffit with your free hand and pull it away from the wall channel.
Regarding this, when were asbestos soffits banned?
Asbestos insulation board (AIB) AIB can be found in numerous locations such as wall panels, ceiling tiles, bath panels, cladding, soffits and much more. This material is high risk and was banned in 1985.
If you or your tradesperson want to paint asbestos soffit boards, you should use masonry paint and not undercoat or gloss, which won't adhere to cement based boards. You should also avoid sanding down these boards as dangerous fibres will be released.