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Asked by: Yollotl Veltistov
home and garden home appliancesDo I need to remove linoleum before laying vinyl tile?
Beside this, can you put vinyl tile over linoleum?
One simple way to transform your old linoleumbathroom or kitchen floor is by using peel and stick vinyltiles. To lay your peel-and-stick tile overexisting linoleum, you'll need a clean, uniformsurface, a handful of basic tools, and just a bit of time andpatience.
Similarly, you may ask, do you have to remove old vinyl flooring before installing laminate?
Laminate flooring can be installed overvinyl as long as: The vinyl is in good condition. Thevinyl is cleared of all debris and cleaned. You useunderlayment on top of the vinyl subfloor.
Option 1: Scrape Linoleum Or Vinyl Floor &Glue To remove old resilient flooring, first, cut itinto parallel strips about 6 inches wide with a utility knife. Usea hammer to tap a stiff putty knife or brick chisel under thelinoleum to break it loose. Pull the linoleum up instrips to reveal the backing or the glue.