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Asked by: Riahi Besnier
business and finance business administrationDo I understand the meaning of management and its evolution?
Also, what is the meaning of evolution of management?
The evolution of management thought is a process that started in the early days of man. It began since the period man saw the need to live in groups. Mighty men were able to organize the masses, share them into various groups. The sharing was done accord to the masses' strength, mental capacities, and intelligence.
Beside above, what is the evolution of management theory?
Management theory originated with "scientific" and "bureaucratic" management that used measurement, procedures and routines as the basis for operations. Organizations developed hierarchies to apply standardized rules to the workplace and punished workers for not following them.
Definition: Management Thought Management is defined as the art of getting things done by making the best use of available resources. These, when clubbed together, are called Management Thought.