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Asked by: Coloman Busato
home and garden interior decoratingDo Interior Designers need a business license?
State & Local BusinessLicensingRequirements
Other states only require licensing if youwishto formally adopt the title of“interiordesigner.” To qualify for licensure,you must pass theNational Council for Interior DesignCertificationexam.
Also asked, can you be an interior designer without a license?
While there are no federal guidelines forgettingan interior designer license, many states throughouttheU.S. do offer certification or registration.
- Step 1: Earn your degree in Interior Design. TheNationalCouncil for Interior Design Qualification (NCIDQ) exam isthe mostcommon exam required in states that restrict the use oftheinterior designer title.
- Step 2: Gain professional experience.
- Step 3: Apply for and Pass an Interior DesignCertificationExam.
Also asked, why do interior designers need a license?
Interior design legislation increases thevalueand business opportunities for qualified interiordesigners.This protects the interior designer in threeways:Interior design title laws, where in place, protect theuseand title of certified, registered or licensed interiorinteriordesigners.
How to Market Yourself as a FreelanceInteriorDesigner
- Develop relationships with influencers. Word ofmouthrecommendations spread through social media fasterthanwildfire.
- Post regularly to a blog.
- Use Houzz.
- Find a mentor.
- Always try to get referrals.
- Establish store partnerships.
- Commercial projects.
- Get your social media spot-on.