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Asked by: Irmgard Dowson
video gaming music and party video gamesDo iPhone headphones work with PC?
Similarly, it is asked, can I use my iPhone headphones on my computer?
Microphone. It is possible to use your iPhone headsetfor video conferencing or Skype calls, though you willneed to purchase a smartphone to PC adapter.The outputs of the adapter plug into themicrophone and the headphone jacks on yourcomputer.
- Check Out the Default Setting on your Skype. As soon as youplug in your headphones, Skype will recognise it as aheadphone.
- Configure the Sound Input For Skype. Follow these steps toconfigure Skype Audio settings –
- Configure Sound Input For Your PC.
Moreover, do Apple earbuds mic work on PC?
Apple earbuds were designed for phone usage,and because of that, they are usually not compatiblewith a PC. You can use it to listen to stuff, but thecomputer does not recognize the mic in theheadphones, and therefore you can not use it as amic, but you can use it as a regearbuds.
Use Headphone Mic on PC Type "manage audio devices" in the search box and click"Manage audio devices" in the results to open the Sound controlpanel. Click the "Recording" tab on the Sound control panel. Clickthe "OK" button, and you are ready to use yourearphones or earbuds as amicrophone.