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Asked by: Bibiano Voronichev
family and relationships internet safetyDo line calls show up on phone bill?
Moreover, does WeChat calls show up on phone bill?
Any calls made or received using the Whatsappwill not show up in the call logs in eitheryour bill or myAT&T. This is due to it being a3rd party application and runs through an internetconnection via Wi-Fi or cellular data.
do Snapchat calls show up on call log?
Any calls made through Snapchat would notshow up on your phone bill. However, the isssue could be notwith a phone bill but with a call log, and then we have aproblem[2] : Snapchat has rolled out an update for iOS userswhere you won't have to have the app open to answercalls.
FaceTime calls do not show-up as'FaceTime' on your phone bill. It's simply a datatransfer so it will be lumped-in with all other data transfers onyour bill, you don't know what type of data it was,either. FaceTime calls (audio and video) all go thru Apple'sservers so they have a record of the calls.