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Asked by: Ishtiaq Petsche
home and garden home appliancesDo magnets scratch stainless steel fridges?
Keeping this in consideration, is it OK to put magnets on a refrigerator?
So, do not fear to damage your fridge, when youhang up magnets. It has no effect on the function of thefridge. It is safe to say, that fridge magnetsdo not harm the function of your fridge, and you can stilluse neodymium magnets to pin stuff on yourfridge.
Besides, how do you remove magnet scratches from stainless steel?
Harsh abrasives scratch stainless steel, so it's necessaryto remove them with the proper cleaner instead of hardscrubbing.
- Remove the magnets from the refrigerator door.
- Mix ½ tablespoon of baking soda with 1 cup of warmwater.
- Rinse the door with clear water to remove the baking sodaresidue.
All you need do is to keep a few basic things inmind. Applying wax to the area creates a protective barrierbetween the paint and the magnet. Treat the magnetic surfaceof the car magnet with a mild detergent and water and wipeit clean with a soft cloth.