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Asked by: Ruperta Collera
food and drink desserts and bakingDo maraschino cherries have Formaldehyde?
Likewise, are maraschino cherries bad for you?
Low in nutrients Maraschino cherries lose many vitamins and minerals during the bleaching and brining process. Maraschino cherries pack nearly three times as many calories and grams of sugar than regular cherries — a result of being soaked in the sugar solution. They also contain far less protein than regular cherries.
Also know, what are maraschino cherries made of?
In their modern form, the cherries are first preserved in a brine solution usually containing sulfur dioxide and calcium chloride to bleach the fruit, then soaked in a suspension of food coloring (common red food dye is FD&C Red 40), sugar syrup, and other components.
Maraschino cherries (pronounced mare-uh-SHEE-no) get their name from the traditional manufacturing process used to preserve them. Originally, sour marasca cherries from the Dalmatian Coast were soaked in maraschino liqueur, an Italian spirit distilled from the pits, stems, leaves, and flesh of the same cherry.