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Asked by: Edythe Rumenapf
home and garden indoor environmental qualityDo mini splits dehumidify?
Then, do mini splits help with humidity?
Removing Humidity with a Mini Split Air Conditioner. Mini splits are supremely efficient, quiet, and effective systems; but can they lower humidity too? You bet! In fact, they are great at removing moisture from indoor air and they can do so in different ways, depending on your preference.
Accordingly, do split system air conditioners dehumidify?
No. Dehumidifiers technically add heat to a room, though they may help you feel cooler. The major difference is that a split system air conditioner directs all the excess heat outside to be released into the already warm air outdoors.
Mainly, a ductless mini split system is the best cooling and heating option for your basement because of the following reasons: Easy installation; No ductwork necessary. All you need to do is to install the outdoor compressor unit outside the house and mount the connected indoor air handler inside the basement.