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Asked by: Jonas Mokoroa
technology and computing computer peripheralsDo monitors last longer than TVs?
For normal entertainment television viewing, they willlast just as long if not longer than a typicalconsumer level TV. It used to be monitors were made withbetter components than typical TVs. If you buy a highend computer monitor, then yes, it will most likely lastlonger than a normal flat screen TV.
Also to know is, how long can monitor last?
LCD monitors are typically rated for 30,000 to60,000 hours of use, which amounts to 10 to 20 years if you run themonitor eight hours a day.
Furthermore, how long will a flat screen TV last?
100,000 hours
This is because monitors generally havemore pixels per inch than televisions. This meansthey can display very fine detail, especially useful withtext. In essence, a monitor is designed to be the optimalvisual interface for a computer. A TV, no matter how sharp,is primarily designed to be a TV.