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Asked by: Amando Kessen
hobbies and interests beekeepingDo mosquito eaters really eat mosquitoes?
Likewise, do mosquito eaters eat mosquito?
Despitetheircolloquial moniker, crane flies do not preyonmosquitoes. And, contrary to popular misconception,theydo not bite humans. In fact, adult crane flies have averylimited diet, feeding on nectar, or not feedingatall.
Subsequently, question is, do mosquito eaters bite you?
Contrary to popular belief,craneflies do not eat mosquitoes or bitehumans.Adult crane flies only live a few days, and don't eatmuch ofanything. Unfortunately, even though they look likegiantmosquitoes, they will not eat anymosquitoesand cannot help you get rid of yourmosquitopopulation.
In this article, learn about the best naturalmosquitorepellents and how they work.
- Citronella. Dose for dose, citronella can be as effectiveasDEET.
- Lemon eucalyptus. Lemon eucalyptus essential oil contains85%citronellal.
- Clove.
- Peppermint.
- Lemongrass.
- Basil.
- Neem.
- Eucalyptus.