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Asked by: Avelinda Valtueña
food and drink vegetarian dietsDo multi colored carrots taste different?
Similarly, you may ask, are multi colored carrots better for you?
All varieties of carrots are extremely nutrient dense and a great addition to a healthy diet – they're high in fiber and rich in potassium, vitamin C, and vitamin K. However, each individual color contains a specific set of phytonutrients (antioxidants) which offer slightly different nutritional benefits.
One may also ask, do different colored carrots have different vitamins?
Standard orange carrots contain vitamin A, and the other hued carrots are equally healthy. Purple carrots typically have an orange core, and their pigment-related nutrients may provide additional vitamin A and prevent heart disease. Red: Lycopene and beta-carotene pigment.
The purple roots are dark purple on the outside and purple-orange on the inside. These roots have a crunchy structure and have a beautifully sweet flavour. The purple carrot is the sweetest one of the carrot variety.