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Asked by: Carletta Seifried
technology and computing data storage and warehousingDo OneDrive files take up space on my hard drive?
Similarly, it is asked, what does free up space to OneDrive?
OneDrive is a consumer service tied to aMicrosoft account. It includes a free tier that offers 5GBof file storage. You can upgrade the availablestorage to 50GB for $2 a month, but the best deal isan Office 365 Home or Personal subscription, which includes 1000GB(1TB) of storage for up to five users.
Considering this, does OneDrive keep a local copy?
When you save your files to OneDrive, they'restored in the cloud on Microsoft's servers and--sometimes, but notalways--locally on your PC. It's a bit confusing becausewhere your files are stored depends on the version of Windowsyou're using and your OneDrive settings.
On the File Storage tab, turn off the switch atSave documents to OneDrive by default. On the Camera rolltab, select Don't upload photos and turn off the switch atAutomatically upload videos to OneDrive. On the Syncsettings tab, under Sync settings with OneDrive, turnoff the switch at Sync your settings on this PC.