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Consequently, do owls hibernate in the winter?
Owls are active all winter long, and manymigrate to warmer areas when the year turns to winter. Some,like the Snowy, stay in the frozen North and eat Lemming allwinter long by detecting them under the snow. Do anybirds hibernate?
Regarding this, how do owls survive in the winter?
As temperatures drop in late autumn and winter,small mammals become less active. Less active prey make a lot lessnoise and are therefore much harder for Barn Owls to findand catch. In winter then, food is generally harder to findat a time when Barn Owls need it most.
Snowy owls swallow their prey, such as lemmings,whole! In North America, snowy owls are found during thebreeding season from the western Aleutians in Alaska tonortheastern Manitoba (Churchill), northern Quebec and northernLabrador in Canada. In the winter, they can regularly befound in the northern United States.