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Asked by: Touraya Terodde
technology and computing video softwareDo people post videos on Instagram?
Also, how do you post a full video on Instagram?
Upload multiple clips On iOS, you can actually create longer videos onInstagram by uploading and stringing multiple videoclips together. To do this, tap Library, select the firstvideo you want to include, and then hit Next. You can thenTrim the clip, and tap the plus sign icon to add anothervideo clip.
can you post YouTube videos on Instagram?
Since Instagram doesn't allow you to add aYouTube URL link to an Instagram post, to put anYouTube video to Instagram, you'll need to: DownloadYouTube videos to your Android, iPhone, or computer;Edit and convert the video to meet Instagram's videorequirements; Upload and post the video to yourInstagram account.
Right now the time limit for a single video is60 seconds. If you want to share a longer video, justuse the custom button to cut the video clip into60-second increments. Then in Instagram usethe multiple image icon when uploading yourclips.