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Asked by: Candance Olascuaga
hobbies and interests jewelry makingDo pilot light switches require a neutral?
People also ask, what if I don't have a neutral wire?
Option 1 - Run a Neutral Wire If you want to use smart switches and don't have a neutral wire in your switch box, you can hire an electrician to run a neutral wire between the light fixture and the switch. You can also have an electrician rewire the switch and light fixture, which is potentially more expensive.
Moreover, do all light switches have a neutral wire?
The most common requirement of any hardwired automated light switch is a neutral wire. The black “hot” connection is broken to turn the light on/off, the white “neutral” connection completes the circuit. The bare (hopefully) solid copper wire is the ground.
There's a reason why almost every smart switch needs a neutral wire attached: it needs to stay powered all the time. This is because the neutral wire for the circuit is actually in the junction box that holds the light fixture, and the two wires coming down to the switch are the "hot" leg that will power the light.