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Asked by: Carter Cantarero
style and fashion natural and organic beautyDo regular light bulbs have mercury?
Similarly one may ask, which light bulbs have mercury in them?
Fluorescent tubes, compact fluorescent, germicidal, blacklight, metal halide and other HID light bulbs all contain mercury compounds. Incandescent, halogen and LED bulbs do not contain mercury.
In this manner, do all light bulbs have mercury in them?
The Facts about Light Bulbs and Mercury. Compact fluorescent lights (CFLs) use about a quarter of the electricity of traditional incandescent light bulbs, reducing energy costs for consumers. However, CFLs themselves contain a small amount of mercury, which has led to some questions about whether they are safe to use.
Although mercury is a toxic pollutant, mercury exposures from broken CFLs are not likely to harm you and your family. This is because CFLs contain relatively small amounts of mercury -- EPA estimates this amount to be 4-5 milligrams (mg) in a typical CFL.