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Asked by: Gale Diogo
medical health lung and respiratory healthDo respiratory bronchioles have smooth muscle?
In this way, is there smooth muscle in the respiratory bronchioles?
There is no cartilage, or glands, some smooth muscle is still present, there are no goblet cells. The epithelium is either columnar or cuboidal. The final branches of the bronchioles are called terminal bronchioles. These have a layer smooth muscle surrounding their lumens.
Secondly, what is the difference between terminal and respiratory bronchioles?
Terminal bronchioles mark the end of the conducting division of air flow in the respiratory system while respiratory bronchioles are the beginning of the respiratory division where gas exchange takes place. The diameter of the bronchioles plays an important role in air flow.
Respiratory bronchioles are the final division of the bronchioles within the lung. They are a continuation of the terminal bronchioles and are approximately 0.5mm in size 1. They are comprised of simple cuboidal epithelium and contain a thin layer of smooth muscle and elastic fibers 2.