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Asked by: Chafik Beinhoff
hobbies and interests candle and soap makingDo sky lanterns cause fires?
A sky lantern may land when the flame isstillalight, making it a fire hazard. In typical designs, aslongas the lantern stays upright the paper will not gethotenough to ignite, but if the balloon is tilted (say, by the windorby hitting some object), it may catch fire while stillinthe air.
Likewise, people ask, is it legal to launch sky lanterns?
Typically, as long as the use of novelties isnotprohibited by state or local laws, you do notneedpermission or special permits to launch them. This hasbeentrue throughout the history of skylanterns.
Considering this, how long do sky lanterns burn?
10 minutes
All the paper will usually burn in a fewseconds,but the flame source may remain lit until it hits theground. Afterthe balloon lands, the leftover thin wire frame willrust away veryslowly, remaining a hazard to animals that mayswallow it. Skylanterns have also been alleged to pose adanger toaircraft.