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Asked by: Sheri Alderson
medical health heart and cardiovascular diseasesDo Soleal veins have valves?
Furthermore, where are the Soleal veins?
Soleal veins (SVs) are storage veins located inside the calf muscle that primarily drain into the posterior tibial and fibular veins [2] (Figure 1). Clinicians consider SVs to be critical in the origination of DVT and pulmonary embolism (PE) [2–6].
what is Soleal sinus?
These muscular venous sinuses are the primary collecting system of the calf muscle pump. Soleal sinuses typically communicate with the posterior tibial veins, whereas the gastrocnemius network coalesces into paired gastrocnemius veins that drain directly into the popliteal.
Deep veins — The deep veins of the upper extremity include the paired ulnar, radial, and interosseous veins in the forearm; paired brachial veins of the upper arm; and axillary vein.