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Asked by: Fouzia Billert
business and finance civil engineering industryDo structural engineers design buildings?
Accordingly, what is structural engineering design?
It is a field of engineering dealing with theanalysis and design of structures that support orresist loads. Structural engineering design utilizes anumber of simple structural elements to build complexstructural systems.
Considering this, can civil engineers design buildings?
Civil engineers design, build, supervise,operate, and maintain construction projects and systems in thepublic and private sector, including roads, buildings,airports, tunnels, dams, bridges, and systems for water supply andsewage treatment. Many civil engineers work indesign, construction, research, and education.
Structural members are the primary load bearingcomponents of a building, and each have their ownstructural properties which need to be considered. Suchmembers include: Beams: Horizontal members whichtransfer loads to supports. Columns: Vertical members whichtransfer compressive loads to the ground.