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Asked by: Guanghua Mirasierra
personal finance student financial aidDo tardies count against perfect attendance?
Besides, do colleges look at tardies?
Colleges don't care if you have one ortwotardies, but the admissions committee will definitelymakenote disciplinary actions like expulsions, suspensions,andacademic probation. Colleges want to know you're matureandable to succeed in a rigorous academic environment with a lotofindependence.
Considering this, what qualifies as perfect attendance?
A perfect attendance award is traditionallygivenin U.S. schools as a way to honor students who have neithermissedany days. Supporters believe that the award promoteseducation byencouraging students to attend class whenever it isinsession.
1. Students will not be counted absentortardy when participating in school functions.2.Out-of-school suspension will count as absencesfromall classes missed during the period ofsuspension.