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Asked by: Jack Fiaka
family and relationships parenting teensDo the Amish speak a different language?
Also asked, what language did the Amish speak?
English Language Pennsylvania German language Swiss German Language
Also to know, do Amish and Mennonites speak the same language?
Pennsylvania Dutch is spoken by about 300,000-350,000Amish and conservative Mennonites today, while Swissand Alsatian German speakers, most of whom are Amish, numberabout 14,000 combined. For the speakers themselves it doesn'treally matter anyway, since the PD word for language anddialect is the same: 'Schprooch'.
The Amish and Mennonites speak PennsylvaniaGerman (also misleadingly known colloquially as "PennsylvaniaDutch"), a German dialect. 'Hello' as a general greeting is"Hallo" or "Guder Daag".