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Asked by: Rajendra Fehreschild
food and drink non alcoholic beveragesDo they still make Nehi soda?
Subsequently, one may also ask, do they still sell grape Nehi?
The Chero-Cola company added Nehi Cola to its line of sodas in 1924 in order to offer a broader variety of flavors. It offered orange, grape, root beer, peach, and other flavors of soda. Sales continued to decline until 1932, the only year in which the company had ever lost money.
Also to know, do they still make upper 10 soda?
Upper 10 is a caffeine free drink lemon-lime soft drink, similar to Sprite, Sierra Mist, and Bubble Up. Upper 10 is still sold outside North America by Cott Beverages, the same company that sells RC Cola internationally.
The RC Cola brand was acquired in October 2000 by London-based Cadbury Schweppes. Today, RC Cola is part of Plano, Texas-based Dr Pepper Snapple Group, an integrated refreshment beverage business marketing more than 50 beverage brands throughout North America.