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They remain in your bloodstream, and if thesamegerms ever try to infect you again — even after manyyears— they will come to your defense. Only now that theyareexperienced at fighting these particular germs, they candestroythem before they have a chance to make yousick.
Thereof, what happens when a vaccine is injected into the body?
Vaccines containing these weakened or killedgermsare introduced into your body, usuallybyinjection. Your immune system reacts to thevaccinein a similar way that it would if it were beinginvaded by thedisease — by making antibodies.
Consequently, do vaccines contain blood?
Answer: Vaccines do notcontainhuman or animal cells or tissues.
Some vaccines contain inactivated, butpreviouslyvirulent, micro-organisms that have been destroyed withchemicals,heat, or radiation. Examples include the poliovaccine,hepatitis A vaccine, rabies vaccineand someinfluenza vaccines.