Asked by: Nuris Marroun
medical health vaccines

Do vaccines go into the bloodstream?

They remain in your bloodstream, and if thesamegerms ever try to infect you again — even after manyyears— they will come to your defense. Only now that theyareexperienced at fighting these particular germs, they candestroythem before they have a chance to make yousick.

Thereof, what happens when a vaccine is injected into the body?

Vaccines containing these weakened or killedgermsare introduced into your body, usuallybyinjection. Your immune system reacts to thevaccinein a similar way that it would if it were beinginvaded by thedisease — by making antibodies.

Subsequently, question is, where vaccines are injected? The importance of injecting vaccines intomuscle.Most vaccines should be given via the intramuscularrouteinto the deltoid or the anterolateral aspect ofthethigh.

Consequently, do vaccines contain blood?

Answer: Vaccines do notcontainhuman or animal cells or tissues.

Do vaccines contain the virus?

Some vaccines contain inactivated, butpreviouslyvirulent, micro-organisms that have been destroyed withchemicals,heat, or radiation. Examples include the poliovaccine,hepatitis A vaccine, rabies vaccineand someinfluenza vaccines.

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The first inactive tetanus toxoid wasdiscoveredand produced in 1924. A more effective adsorbed versionof thevaccine, created in 1938, was proven to besuccessfulwhen it was used to prevent tetanus in themilitary duringWorld War II.

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A subunit vaccine is a fragment of apathogen,typically a surface protein, that is used to trigger animmuneresponse and stimulate acquired immunity against the pathogenfromwhich it is derived.

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A vaccine is a biological preparationthatimproves immunity to a particular disease. Avaccinetypically contains an agent that resembles adisease-causingmicroorganism, and is often made from weakened orkilled forms ofthe microbe or its toxins.

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How are vaccines administered to humans?

A vaccine administration may be oral, byinjection(intramuscular, intradermal, subcutaneous), by puncture,transdermalor intranasal. Several recent clinical trials haveaimed to deliverthe vaccines via mucosal surfaces to beup-taken bythe common mucosal immunity system, thusavoiding the need forinjections.

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What is intradermal route?

Intradermal injection, often abbreviated ID, isashallow or superficial injection of a substance into thedermis,which is located between the epidermis and the hypodermis.Thisroute is relatively rare compared to injections intothesubcutaneous tissue or muscle.

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What happens if BCG is given subcutaneously?

Adverse effects
BCG immunization generally causes some painandscarring at the site of injection. BCG vaccine shouldbegiven intradermally. If given subcutaneously, itmayinduce local infection and spread to the regional lymphnodes,causing either suppurative andnonsuppurativelymphadenitis.

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What is the difference between a vaccine and a toxoid?

Toxins are secreted by bacteria, whereastoxoidsare altered form of toxins; toxoids are notsecreted bybacteria. Thus, when used during vaccination, animmuneresponse is mounted and immunological memory is formedagainst themolecular markers of the toxoid without resultingintoxin-induced illness.

Elisabeta Cerro,


Do live virus vaccines shed?

Viral shedding is part of the mechanismofvirus transmission. Shedding is impossiblewithkilled vaccines or those made using only isolatedproteins(most vaccines fall into one of these two classes),but asmall number of vaccines contain liveattenuatedvirus which can theoretically infectothers.

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Which is an example of a vaccine that is a killed virus vaccine?

Types include: Viral: polio vaccine(Salkvaccine) and influenza vaccine. Bacterial:typhoidvaccine, cholera vaccine, plaguevaccine, andpertussis vaccine.

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Why do some vaccines require boosters?

After initial immunization, a booster injectionorbooster dose is a re-exposure to the immunizing antigen.Itis intended to increase immunity against that antigen backtoprotective levels, after memory against that antigen hasdeclinedthrough time.

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Where does vaccine come from?

Origin. The word "vaccine" was created byEdwardJenner. The word comes from the Latin word vacca, meaningcow. Avirus that mainly affects cows (Cowpox) was used in thefirstscientific demonstration that giving a person one viruscouldprotect against a related and more dangerous one.

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How are vaccines attenuated?

An attenuated vaccine is a vaccinecreatedby reducing the virulence of a pathogen, but still keepingitviable (or "live"). Attenuation takes an infectiousagentand alters it so that it becomes harmless or less virulent.Thesevaccines contrast to those produced by "killing" thevirus(inactivated vaccine).

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Is Shingrix a live vaccine?

Shingrix is a zoster vaccine developedbyGlaxoSmithKline that was approved in the United States by theFDAin October 2017. The CDC recommends that healthy adults 50yearsand older get two doses of Shingrix, 2 to 6monthsapart.