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Asked by: Getulio Jakushin
technology and computing web hostingDo witnesses have to testify in court?
Just so, what happens if you refuse to testify as a witness?
No. While a defendant has a right to not take the stand,a witness does not. Once ordered to testify,refusing to do so may result in the witness beingheld in contempt of court. While a witness cannotrefuse to take the stand, it does not mean they haveto volunteer whatever information is asked of them.
Similarly, you may ask, are witnesses forced to testify?
And yet in every court, witnesses are dragged inby force (the subpoena power) and compelled to bearwitness for or against other people. The Fifth Amendment, aswe all know, prohibits the government from forcing a personto testify against himself: “nor shall any person…
A subpoena duces tecum requires you toproduce documents or tangible evidence. Since a subpoena isa court order, refusal to comply can result incontempt of court charge, punishable by jail, a fine, or both. Herepeatedly refused to testify against Bonds despite beingsubpoenaed and ordered to do so by the court.