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Asked by: Regalado Villarta
home and garden home appliancesDo wool dryer balls replace fabric softener?
Similarly, you may ask, do dryer balls replace fabric softener?
2) Dryer balls replace dryer sheets and liquid fabric softener, which saves money over time. Dryer sheets and fabric softener aren't very expensive, but the same set of dryer balls can be used years.
Likewise, do you need fabric softener with dryer balls?
Wool dryer balls are designed to take the place of dryer sheets and fabric softener. Wool dryer balls reduce drying time. Soften clothes for up to 1000 loads of laundry – depending on how much laundry you do, that's probably at least 3 years!
An easy way of restoring them is to "recharge" your dryer balls by washing them in hot water on a gentle cycle and then dry on high heat. This will regenerate the wool and give the dryer balls a fresh recharge.