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Asked by: Harpreet Jeuther
style and fashion makeup and accessoriesDo you apply bronzer before or after blush?
Besides, does bronzer go on or under cheekbones?
Bronzer goes in the hollow ofyourcheekbones, slightly above where you would place contour(ifyou choose to use it). Blush goes in the apples ofthecheeks, the sections that go up when you smile and, asWayneGoss demonstrates, highlighter or luminizer goes on topofthe cheekbones for an instantbrighteningeffect.
Also Know, when should I use bronzer?
Avoid using bronzer as a contour! Instead,usebronzer to mimic where the sun would hit your facenaturallyand where you tan the darkest. This will give you asun-kissed lookand add definition and warmth to your skin. Applybronzer tothe cheekbones, temples, and bridge of yournose.
DO: Strategically apply bronzer insteadofcoating your face. Instead, stick to applyingbronzeronly on the spots that are naturally hit by thesun: theforehead, top of the nose, along the cheekbones,andjawline.