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Asked by: Deeann Kumur
hobbies and interests candle and soap makingDo you apply clear wax before dark wax?
Furthermore, how long does it take for dark wax to dry?
The Wax will be dry to the touchvery quickly but take longer to harden or 'cure'. The'curing' process can take 5 – 21 days depending onambient temperature. If you want to achieve a really goodshine, allow around 24 hours before buffing. Annie Sloan SoftWax is food-safe when completely cured.
Consequently, can u paint over wax?
IF you do not have any drag when you glideyour hand over the surface, YES- you can paint ChalkPaint® right over the wax! With that said-yes, in general…you should be able to paintover a waxed piece right away.
Wax Products: All of our wax products need todry before removal. When you can make a clean swipe withyour finger (typically up to 10 minutes depending on weather andambient temperature) the product is ready for the final wipedown.