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Asked by: Kerry Verbeck
food and drink desserts and bakingDo you cook Stouffer's lasagna with plastic on?
Lightly coat one lasagna roll with water, and place it in a microwave-safe dish. Cover it with microwave-safe plastic wrap. Cook on high for 2 minutes, and then remove the wrap. Cover the roll with ¾ cup of desired sauce, and then replace the plastic wrap.
Similarly one may ask, do you leave plastic on frozen lasagna?
If you're concerned about such things, the extreme answer is not to even buy frozen lasagna or anything wrapped in plastic. The less extreme step is to remove them from their packaging and simply heat the lasagna on a plate or in a bowl.
Subsequently, one may also ask, can you put plastic film in oven?
A: Restaurant kitchens often use food-grade plastic wrap in the oven to trap steam and keep food very moist. And most plastic wraps won't melt until they get to 220 to 250 degrees. So with moisture on one side and foil on the other, the plastic doesn't melt.
Cooking Instructions
- Preheat to 400°F.
- Remove aluminum lid. Bend lid slightly then place lid on tray so it is elevated over lasagna.
- Place tray on baking sheet, center rack. Cook Frozen: 1 HOUR 40 MINUTES (Thawed*: 55 MINUTES)
- Remove lid last 5 minutes.
- Carefully remove from oven. Let stand 15 minutes.