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Asked by: Gwyn Larrauz
food and drink barbecues and grillingDo you eat a burger with a knife and fork?
Just so, do you eat pizza with a knife and fork?
Using a fork and knife is the best waytoeat a slice of pizza. It's neater. Assumingthepizza is served at a proper, hot temperature, itavoidssituations where you burn your mouth or get meltycheese onyour face. A knife and fork are especiallyappropriate whenyou're eating pizza on thecampaigntrail.
In this way, how do you eat a burger?
To eat a burger, put your thumb and pinkieunderthe bun to ensure that no toppings slip out. Hold the top ofthebun with your other 3 fingers to keep messes to a minimum. Ifyourburger is served wrapped in paper, don't remove it!Thiswill help keep your hands clean and yourburgerintact.
There are two basic methods for eating withaknife and fork. The “American”involveshaving your fork in your left and your knifein yourright when cutting your food, then putting the knifedownand switching your fork to your right hand toeat,tines facing upwards. (If you're right-handed,thatis.)