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Asked by: Aderita Stirzenbecher
religion and spirituality judaismDo you get audible for free with Amazon Prime?
Amazon Prime members, who pay $99 annually forfree two-day shipping, can now access Audible audioservice content at no additional cost. You'll be able tostream from a rotating group of more than 50 audiobooks. One of thevideo benefits of Amazon Prime is free streaming ofAmazon's own, in-house video productions.
People also ask, is audible free with Prime 2019?
Audible is not free with AmazonPrime. Though there are a certain number of selectedaudiobooks that are free for Prime members,Audible membership is still not free!
Then, how much does audible cost with prime?
Audible memberships usually cost $14.95a month, but Prime members new to the servicecan save 66% and sign up for a three-month trial forjust $4.95 a month.
After your Audible 30-day trial expires, itcosts $14.95 per month, but you can cancel your subscriptionat anytime. For your monthly subscription fee, you get one credit amonth that you can use to buy and keep any audio book.