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Asked by: Diodora Barbero
music and audio tv and film podcastsDo you get iTunes extras with rentals?
Accordingly, can you watch iTunes rentals more than once?
Answer: A: Answer: A: You can watcharental movie as many times as you want duringthe24-hour rental period and you can move itfromone device to another if it's an SD movie andyourented it in iTunes, but it can only be ononedevice at a time. HD movie rentals can only bewatched on aMac, an ATV or an iPad.
Furthermore, what is iTunes extra?
iTunes Extras are like DVD to Blu-raymoviesextras that play right inside iTunes on the MacorWindows, on the Apple TV, and soon with iOS 8, on the iPhoneandiPad as well. They can include director's commentary,deletedscenes, bonus scenes, making-of documentaries, andotherfeatures.
On Friday, Apple quietly removed the ability torentTV shows from the iTunes Store.“iTunes inthe Cloud lets customers download and watchtheir past TVpurchases from their iOS devices, AppleTV, Mac or PC,allowing them to enjoy their programmingwhenever and however theychoose.”